Tuesday, November 9, 2010

30. A photo of you when you were happy.

the last day.
now i need to find a picture.
i just remember being really happy this day... and i havent been really truly been happy in awhile.

sooo since this challenge is over im thinking about doing my favorite thing of the day... any ideas Shannon? or if i should do this for how long? (i ask u specifically becuz im pretty sure ur the only one that reads this almost everyday)


  1. bahahahahhaha I don't read it everyday...but pretty close :) hmmmm....maybe u should google "blog ideas" and see what comes up...haha the best part of today was talking to ME, huh?!?!?! :P

  2. hahhahhha good idear... of course! :D

  3. hahahhahahaha yes we give each other a break from school!!!!
