Saturday, August 28, 2010

living life

so here it is... the weekend! finally!
life should be lived.... LOUDLY!!!!!!!!!!!!
ya know that song by Hawk Nelson: Live Life Loud! it is amazing! and im gonna LIVE LIFE LOUD... and go a little crazy... in a good way :D

Friday, August 27, 2010

made me laugh and almost start rolling

so we have these "epic [fail] poetries" we have to read, ie. Beowulf, Canterbury Tales, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and .... Paradise Lost (kill me please)
but today as i was looking over paradise lost, with my dear cousin and i came across a note from the former owner of my book (since my mom buys everything used) which made me and my cousin DIE with laughter!

it goes like this:

Do not attempt to read this book sober. If you are dumb enough to read it, make sure you have @ least 1/2 case of beer in you.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

best email conversation of my life!

today i was having the best conversation via old skool email with my best friend... it went like this
(im in big type, she is in smallet type)
"haha ok so im gonna be the first to say...WE IS THE LAMEST LAME SAUCE EVER!  we are are like taco bells fire sauce...only lame LOL"
"hahah! OoOoOoOhhhh so we have little sayings on us? hahaaaaaa...."
yea my saying is across my forehead and it says "LOSER" haha and IKR?! it's quite stupid
awww thats pathetic... mine is in reality im a spork
wow that was genius...ok ok mine says...hmmmm...hmmmmm....AHHHHHH i cant think of anything.........ok loser works
ahahahah aww... im already a loser and ive always wanted to be a spork... soooo 
you would wanna be a spork...i wanna be a spoon bc it has a smooth rounded personality...yea that was pretty intelligent right you see what CC is doing to me???  bleh! argh! brah! HOLY FREAKIN AHHHH!!!!
ahhaha.. but i dont want to have a smooth rounded personality... i want to have a spontaneous personality that can be rounded but might just stab u in the arm randomly! :D we are intelupid...thats what cc does to you
hahahahaha yea ok i guess i am a spork xD im glad we frigured that out! and yes we are very intelupid!

(and of course we dont think we're losers... RIGHT??!?!?!?! its just cuz we're cool like that...
and i wouldnt realllly stab someone in the arm... probably)

the shortness of life further explained

sooo im sitting here at this desk... and thinking man 10th grade is so freakin hard. wasnt it yesterday i was just like in 5th grade? and the day before that getting ready for preschool?...
and sometimes i just think crap... i miss preschool... there was no drama.. we had naptime (not that i liked it.. then) and our teachers gave us snack...
but if life sure is short.. .shouldnt we like live it to the fullest its can be? or maybe just be DORKS! :D
or... not...