Tuesday, September 28, 2010


so i'm not very sure what to post about. other then i want to see the movies about owls! just because owl city has a song in it!

and my break is next week! and Student week at my church is also next week.

i will be gone all weekend on a retreat to the amazing and beautiful, A Place For The Heart! and i can't wait!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

the Allegorical Story i wrote for school (we had to write on with characters from the book Pilgrims Progress)

A Search for a Treasure
Once upon a time in a land far away their lived a young girl named Diligence whose father had left them for a long and perilous journey. Now this girl missed her father greatly and decided that one day she would leave her home in the City of Destruction and find her Father, Christian.  So Diligence told her mother and four brothers she would go, and none of them could convince her not too. The next day Diligence packed her burdens and set off in the same direction her father went
Days went by and Diligence was alone on her journey, but one day as she was walking in a dark wood she came across three girls about her age.  
“Hello,” Diligence said
“Why hello there you little wanderer, I don’t know who you are but YOU must have heard about me.”  said the first girl
“No, I don’t think I’ve ever heard of you, who are you? I’m Diligence” is all Diligence could think of replying
“WHAT?!?! Never heard of me? Everyone has heard of me? I am Selfish and everybody SHOULD know of ME?” screamed Selfish
“Selfish, how could Diligence have heard of you? Hi, Diligence I’m Sensitive?” said Sensitive quietly.
“SHUT UP SENSITIVE, Nobody wants to hear you speak, after all its all about me! And not about YOU or Clueless or Clumsy!” retorted Selfish.
“What about me? I missed it,” the other girl asked.
Just then a boy about the age of Diligence’s older brother appeared.
 “OWW!” he said as he tripped over a root. “What about me? And why are you shouting Selfish, it’s quite rude.”
 “Nothing about you, Clumsy, it’s all about ME! ME! ME! ME! And that girl,” Selfish said pointing at Diligence, “HAS NEVER heard of ME!”
“Well just get over it gosh” retorted Clueless.
“Excuse me? Go back to not paying attention, NOW!” screamed Selfish
Silently Diligence left the quarreling people and moved on in her journey. She was quite shocked that some people could fight over nothing. She was appalled because at her house her father hated it whenever she fought with her brothers, thinking of this made Diligence miss her father even more.
Finally Diligence was out of the forest and could no longer here the screeching of Selfish and her people. When out of nowhere a women appeared and started questioning Diligence
“Why hello child, what are you doing in the middle of nowhere? Where are your mommy and daddy? Do you want a cookie?” the strange women asked.
“Because I want to, I’m old enough to be by myself. And no I don’t want cookies,” replied Diligence cautiously, her parents had taught her to never ever take sweets from strangers, and she had only accepted them once and that was a donut when she and her mother were at the market and Diligence had scraped her knee, but her mother had agreed then.
The women kept persisting only to be cut off every time. Finally the woman said
“I know where your father is and I know just what he would want you to do.”
Diligence was wide eyed, “you do? How? What would he want me to do?
“Well right now he would want you to find a treasure for you and your family.” The women replied.
“Are you sure?” questioned Diligence.
“Absolutely,” replied the women
“But wait,” paused Diligence, “what should I call you?”
“Oh dearest, you should call me Big D, everyone does,” ‘Big D’ replied.
“Okay… Big D.”
“Okay now to how to get the treasure, you just need to follow me down this road and we will get there very soon,” Big D smiled.
“That road?” asked Diligence in shock, “its soooo dark and creepy.”
“Well it’s not nearly as dark and creepy when you’re in it, now come along.”  
So Big D and Diligence traveled down the dark creepy road. After hours of hiking up steep hills they finally arrived at a ladder, a big ladder that never seemed to end. Staring up at it Diligence thought that climbing it would be utterly impossible.
“No dear it is not impossible,” Big D said reading her face, “you simply just have to climb to the top and you will find riches and your father.”
So Diligence put her foot on the ladder and paused. Suddenly, there was a rustling in a bush and selfish and sensitive popped out,
“HEY BIG D, it’s my turn! YOU SAID IT WAS MY TURN!” screamed Selfish. “Patience sister, you can wait for once,” soothed Big D.
 “NO I CAN’T, DECEPTION I JUST CAN’T!” screamed Selfish.
 “Deception? Wait, she is Deception? So I have been following Deception this entire time? WHAT? My father isn’t at the top of this ladder I doubt there is a top!”
With the Diligence turned around and fled, back through the woods. In record time she reached the edge of the forest, and to her amazement noticed a beautiful city off to her left. She had not even noticed it before when Deception had deceived her. The city was none other than the Celestial City that her father had so wanted to go to. She ran towards the city with all her strength and just as she was reaching the gate she noticed her father running towards her and they were reunited.
“I have been watching you from afar, and praying the Deception would be unmasked,” her father, Christian told Diligence. “I prayed that you would find true treasure not in the riches of the world but in the people around you, and the truth of Christ.”
“I realized that Father. Oh how God loves me so to give me a father like you. I am so happy to see you.”
And the all lived happily ever after.
The End

Monday, September 20, 2010

some things you might possibly probably don't wanna know

What I did 
a) Typed my answer to each of the questions below into Picasa
b) Using ONLY the first page, I picked an image. 
c) Saved the image and posted it on this blog post! 

The Questions: 
1. What is your first name? 


2. What is your favorite food? 

(fried Rice) 
3. What is your favorite color? 

4. Favorite band? 

(Paper Tongues)

5. Dream vacation? 

6. Favorite hobby? 


7. What you want to be when you grow up? 


8. What do you love? 

(sour gummy worms)


9. One word to describe you? 


If you have any more ideas of questions I should answer with photos. Comment them! 

Sunday, September 19, 2010

i have some pretty amazing/talented cousins

so today i went to my old church (Res) for the first time in like 51475815678675 years... ok its really been one... but still...
sooo after church i went to my cousins house (oh yeah we stopped by bojangles for lunch) and basically watched Becca text all afternoon and reed be a total creeper... jk me and helen decided to straighten my hair. lol... and hour later... hey it was straight :D

sooo then i went to their youth group and at the end, helen, the brilliant younger sister of Becca, decided to steal Becca's brand new phone and dash down the hall.

now this was a brilliant plan. but sometimes helen is not the brightest bulb in the box, and kinda forgot to look up. wellll this brilliant move led to her running full speed into metal doors... nice right? well we all collapsed laughing... like literally ROFL

and helen ends up with a fat lip and a hurt nose. 

and becca ends up with a brand new phone flung across the room... thankfully no damage was done to the phone...

but hey amazing story right?

moral of the story:
sometimes someone slamming full speed into a door... makes your day perfect! :D

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

beka's genius

this is how genius my best friend is
"life is hard. find some annoying person and steal their skittles then laugh at them"


cheese is good.
eat cheese

the saddest thing bout this blog.
i have one follower.
and no comments... *sad face*

Sunday, September 5, 2010

best day ever

so yesterday Tim and Sherrin got married in my front yard.
it was an absolutely GORGEOUS wedding for a GORGEOUS couple!
and 4 of the members of my fav band, Paper Tongues was there!!! how cool is that?
yeah pretty sweet!
Gorgeous wedding
Beautiful couple
wonderfuly amazing venue... *coughMyHousecough*
great friends
and fav band
could it get any better? not really
here are some pics
i totally loveeee how Cody jumped in the back!

Cody, Chris, Danny, Wolf, Sam, Iz, Aswan, Joey, Helen, Me, and Singer...
i hate how chris is in a Paper Tongues sandwich... so not fair...

Wolf and Iz wanted a pic with Aswan's awellsome bmw, the bride and groom were gonna drive out in.

and i got their sigs! so amazing! on none other then a recipe card... thats purty legit!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

"Kidnapping" is a strong word. I prefer to think of it as "Surprise Adoption"


awellsome sauce is like cheese sauce... or maybe chick-fil-a sauce...