So about November of last year I got this dandy thing called Tumblr.
It's my love, I love it.
And I was getting pretty popular. Not bragging but I had about 400 followers.
Totes awesome!
But in July my mother found it and was appalled by what I posted, because sometimes when I was really frustrated with her, or the world, I would vent.
Mind you, I know about 10 of the people on tumblr in real life, so it wasn't like anyone I knew was reading it.
So that was a big problem this summer.
My mom grounding me for what seems like forever from everything.
To top it off, I was grounded the week Harry Potter pt. 2 came out.
I didn't see the movie until a week later. I was pissed, really pissed.
But the movie was amazing, and I cried, and cried and cried over Fred and all the others.
So i'm still going through tumblr withrawls... Because I haven't really been stalking Mumford and Sons w/o tumblr :(
I also saw Mumford live this summer!
Annnddd in october I will be seeing Tyler Ramsey (my cousin's fiance) perform just a week after their wedding! Can't wait!
Last night I catered a wedding for some great friends... ok I didn't cater it, but my sister did, so i helped. a lot!
But there was 400ish guests and an open bar with 4 kegs of beer.
Let's just say by the end of the night it was chaos and drunk people everywhere.
I didn't get home till 2ish. and skipped church today.
So school started on friday, and I have a lot of work to do.
Not really happy about it, at all.
I need a job very badly, and I'm hoping the new Earth Fare will hire me. I need the $$ desperately.
We shall see what happens.